Adding Products to Cart

  1. There are two ways to add products to your Shopping Cart. The first way is from the product listing page and the second is from the product detail page.
  2. To add an item to the shopping cart from a product listing page, specify the quantity you would like to add and click the “Add to Cart” button beside the preview information.
  3. To add an item to the shopping cart from a product detail page, specify the quantity you would like to add and click the “Add to Cart” button located on the right module.
  4. A pop up window will appear on the screen with the details of the recently added product, along with the number of items currently in your cart and the grand total.
  5. To edit the items in the shopping cart, click the “Edit Your Cart” button.
  6. To proceed to checkout, click the “Checkout” button.
  7. To continue shopping, select the “X” button on the top right of the pop-up window to close it.